GASD will be dismissing early today ahead of the incoming snow. Secondary (6-12) will begin dismissal at 12:45. Elementary (K-5) will begin dismissal at 1:30. All afternoon and evening activities are cancelled. Stay warm and safe!

Tomorrow, February 6, 2025, all GASD buildings will be closed. It will be a Flexible Instruction Day (FID). This is due in part to the unpredictable road conditions in the morning as well as the elevated illnesses in our buildings. We have many of our students out sick, and we will be taking the opportunity tomorrow to do a deep clean in each of our buildings. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to seeing everyone back on Friday! Assignments will be posted by 9:00 am.

Special Education Plan has been released for 2024.
You may check it out here:

GASD Kindergarten Registration is now open for the 2024-2025 school year

Read Across America March 4th - March 8th.

PTO Day Out!!
Tuesday, February 27th at Vinnie's on 11!

Candy Grams should be sent home with your student today.

We have been alerted that we are experiencing a phone service outage. Should you need to contact one of our buildings, please do so via email using the contacts below. These emails will be monitored for quick responses through dismissal at each building. We apologize for the inconvenience. The issue is with the carrier, not the district!
GAPS: cbryan@gcasd.org
GAES: ddivelbiss@gcasd.org
GAMS: dmunson@gcasd.org
GAHS: eperez@gcasd.org
For any other specific needs/concerns, email lhanks@gcasd.org and I will direct your message as needed.

Race for Ed wristbands will be sent home this week!

Race Day was a huge success!

Please join us for the next PTO meeting on Thursday, October 12, 2023, at 4:30 pm in the GAES library. Light refreshments will be available.
Please reach out to the PTO if you have any questions by emailing gapes.pto@gmail.com.

Please see the flyer attached for a way to be entered into a drawing for a $50.00 "Chick-fil-A" gift card.

The GAPS and GAES PTO are hosting Kona Ice Night!
When? Wednesday, September 13th, 5-7 pm
Where? The elementary school playground
Cost? FREE Kona Ice for students and their families
Dress up in your luau attire and take a selfie with our flamingos!
Please reach out to the PTO if you have any questions by emailing gapes.pto@gmail.co

Please join us for a PTO Meeting September 11th @ 4:30 in the elementary school library.

Race for Education

Race for Ed packets will be coming home soon!

Important upcoming dates.

Check out the STEAM EXPO and Fine Arts Night, being held May 9th from 3-7PM!!!

Check it out!
What: Volleyball clinic for grades 1st-4th
When: Monday, May 8th, 3:00-5:00 pm
Where: GAHS gymnasium.
Cost: $20/player; can be brought to the clinic or dropped off at the HS main office
Space is limited, so register early! We will only take 50 participants.
** Players will be picked up by coaching staff and walked over to the HS.
Online Registration here:

Branded Meats PTO Day Out!!